the community is not a ‘real’ monastery anymore, but is still a registered religious institution because we believe in something and living here requires a leap of faith.
if you want to make a booking for het klaslokaal please check if it’s free on the required date/time first and then complete this form to book we will send a confirmation and a payment request. the booking becomes final when we receive payment. per 1.1.25 rates for casual bookings are €32,50 for a half day and €60 for a full day.
to get in touch with de hoogstraatgemeenschap please use this contact form rather than email to ensure your message doesn’t end up in the spam folder. we will respond as soon as humanly possible — unless it’s a commercial proposition or an offer to make us a cheap website.
if you have an urgent question or query you can phone or message us on +31657457430 (prefer message via whatsapp and we’ll ring you back.)
if you do want to email us : we use and our address there is dehoogstraatgemeenschap@